
I'm what happens to the neurodivergent theater kid that assembled model starships, collected rocks on late night summer walks, and photographed my favorite sunsets and friends with a borrowed film camera. The guy building computers for a living while arranging flowers on the side. The one rocking out on Blondie, Daft Punk, John Denver, Prince, and Britney with equal fervor, while Lizzo and Queen stream through the studio today.

Insatiably curious, I kept crafting and learning until I was happy with the end result no matter what I was working on. Now I get to sculpt with light, imagine with freedom, and love every minute of the creative process.

I am Matthew Spencer, a polymath, creative director, photographer, and analog alchemist crafting digital realities from my studio in the Northwest. I'm massaging my creativity and technical skills for all they’re worth now, and I’m thrilled to see you’ve found me.

I cook with intellectual capital, distill upon fair exchange, all to create powerful experiences for everyone involved. I want to do the best work of my career with your brand. That's my jam, it's practiced, but true. Let's create something better together, connect with me today.